service-based business open sign

Marketers are faced with countless options: SEO, SEM, PPC, Organic social, content marketing, paid social, tie-in promotions, email marketing, newsletters, banner ads… but if you’re like most marketers your budget doesn’t come close to affording you all of these channels. Marketers are never short on ideas or platforms, it’s budgets that hold us back.

You need to continually grow your audience while building an engaged community and creating a memorable brand so that when consumers are ready to purchase, its your brand that they think of first.

That’s something B2B and B2C brands have in common. As alpha | BRAVO has grown, we’ve carved a niche offering social media strategies, paid social media management, and executive social media thought leadership to mid-market and enterprise B2B tech, software, and logistics companies.

But since day one, we’ve also worked with a handful of B2B2C service-based brands and while we’ve done this work quietly “behind the handles,” they are no less worth knowing about. In fact, the success these clients have achieved is worth replicating.

The past six years of playing in the sandbox, running pilot programs, and trialing promotions led to a customized 5-tiered strategy that any service-based B2C business can use to grow and scale.

How you decide what to include in your marketing strategy has everything to do with your budget. Download the guide and dive into the 5 strategies and social savvy tips that can take your service based B2C business to the next level.



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