Welcome to 5 BY 5, the alpha | BRAVO blog.

In radio jargon, the term “five by five” affirms that a radioed transmission was received loud and clear. Each was rated 1 to 5 with the first for clearness, and the second for loudness. Whether we’re writing social media ads, managing a brand’s social media presence, or crafting a full-funnel social media strategy, our mission is to ensure that every message is received loud and clear. The 5 BY 5 blog covers insights, news, tips, and trends in social media marketing strategy, management, copywriting and design. Check in on the 5th of each month and join us on LinkedIn + Instagram for of-the-minute updates!

vintage poster 'hey brands...better CYA!'
Posted by Beth Newton | 19 March 2025| Blog
5 Rules for Running a Social Media Sweepstakes

Sweepstakes (also called giveaways) are ideal for building brand awareness, growing your social media following and capturing new leads. The proliferation of online platforms makes running a sweepstakes less intimidating and more cost-effective. But, because they’re seemingly simple, brands are handling it themselves, without a full understanding of the rules of promotion law. And that...

B2B LinkedIn Ads
Posted by Beth Newton | 21 January 2025| Blog
4 Critical Components for Your B2B LinkedIn Ad Strategy

Remember Mad Libs? Those pads of paper where you had to fill in the blanks with the correct word type to finish a story were how my brother and I spent five hours in the back seat of my parents’ car driving to Chicago twice a year to visit family. We’d purposely choose the most...

2025 Marketing Strategy ideas
Posted by Beth Newton | 12 January 2025| Blog
5 Fresh Tactics for Your 2025 Marketing Strategy

2025 is here and your marketing budget is less than you’d hoped. Amiright? As per usual, we’re tasked with crafting digital marketing strategies that exceed expectations without exceeding budgets. Still trying to determine how best to use said budget, and what platforms to focus on for Q1? We’ve pulled together some ideas for you that...

alpha BRAVO wins gold dotCOMM
Posted by Beth Newton | 05 September 2024| Blog, News/Press
Agency Wins Gold dotCOMM for Client’s Website Redesign

 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   (St. Louis, MO) alpha | BRAVO is a Gold winner in the 2024 dotCOMM Awards, an international competition honoring excellence in web creativity and digital communication. The agency won for its work redesigning the Office Source website. The dotCOMM Awards is administered and judged by the Association of Marketing and Communication...

Partner Marketing
Posted by Beth Newton | 05 August 2024| Blog
Partner Marketing is Soaring: Here’s Why – and How to Cash In

When it comes to social media, marketers like to S T R E T C H budgets. I get it. You need to prove ROI, and maybe you’re still not sure that social media can – or you’re adamant that social media cannot – bring in leads and drive revenue. I've got news for you: it absolutely...

Lessons from the ER
Posted by Beth Newton | 05 May 2024| Blog, Forbes
5 Business Lessons From the ER

If you could run your business like an emergency room, certainly you’d be a leader with patience, grace and empathy, right? Based on my own recent experiences at the ER, nearly everything that happens there can serve as a lesson for leaders. Here are five ER lessons that can benefit your business. Lesson #1 Follow...

service-based business open sign
Posted by Beth Newton | 05 April 2024| Blog
The 5-Part Marketing Strategy for Growth

Marketers are faced with countless options: SEO, SEM, PPC, Organic social, content marketing, paid social, tie-in promotions, email marketing, newsletters, banner ads... but if you're like most marketers your budget doesn't come close to affording you all of these channels. Marketers are never short on ideas or platforms, it's budgets that hold us back. You...

business woman pointing to "do this" sign with arrow and "before that" sign with finger
Posted by Beth Newton | 05 January 2024| Blog
Two Ways to Ensure Your 2024 Marketing Strategy Beats the Odds

More than three in four enterprise content marketers believe content marketing has become more important to their organizations in the past 12 months, according to the most recent Enterprise Content Marketing Report. That said, their chief complaint was that content marketing isn’t strategic enough, leading to ad hoc requests and creating new content for the...