
marketing plays
Posted by | February 5, 2023
5 Marketing Plays for a Recession-Sized Budget

A recession is coming, says everyone. Publications from NPR and USA Today to CNN and Forbes are reporting that the likelihood of an economic recession is about 65%. We’re seeing...

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Bye Now button
Posted by | January 5, 2023
The 1 Feature LinkedIn Doesn’t Have + 5 LinkedIn Company Page Pro Tips

The LinkedIn platform doesn’t have a “buy now” button. The cost of services is too high. The decision-making process is too long. The number of people on the buying committees...

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Social Media Strategies 2023
Posted by | December 5, 2022
3 Hot Social Media Strategies for 2023

Be honest: Do you ever read the intro to a blog post? If you’re like most people, you probably skip right down to the bold subheadings or numbered lists. So,...

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LinkedIn engagement comment
Posted by | November 3, 2022
Step Away From The Repost Button: 6 Ways To Instantly Improve LinkedIn Engagement

As social media trends come and go and best practices are defined and refined, one thing that remains true is the idea that social media marketing is meant to spark...

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image of the 'I don't know' emoji on a green background
Posted by | October 5, 2022
On Trends and Social Media: Take the Long View

Attention is the currency of social media, and many trends come about as influencers and early adopters look for new ways to capture that ever-elusive attention. There’s nothing wrong with...

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Posted by | September 5, 2022
28 Revealing A/B Tests for B2B Marketers

The most critical component of every content asset you create isn’t the asset at all, but the promotion of that asset. Without a paid media budget, your content is the...

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Posted by | August 5, 2022
Drive More Social Media Leads in 5 Steps

If you’re struggling to generate social media leads, you’re not alone. It’s the number one challenge for six in 10 marketers.[1] But there’s good news: The longer marketers use social...

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ex is key brand differentiator
Posted by | July 14, 2022
From CX to EX: Exceptional Employee Experiences or Ex-Employees

In 2013, a now famous Walker study predicted that by 2020 customer experience (CX) would overtake both product and price as the key brand differentiator. In the nine years since,...

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ISO brand ad
Posted by | November 5, 2021
Indecent Proposals: A Dating Guide for Brands

Buyers ask a lot of brands these days, don’t they? They're not just feeling the fabric and taking a flyer anymore. No, they're smarter than that. They're well read, and...

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