Beth Newton

man's arm above crowd holding sign "We're Here. Now What?"
Posted by | October 5, 2020
Permission to Interrupt (aka The Great Unfollowing of 2020)

You probably hear people talking about it, you may see them doing it, you might even start doing it yourself if you haven't already: Unfollowing. Whether it’s political or personal...

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6 social media marketer profile images
Posted by | September 7, 2020
Social Media’s Cast of Revenue-Generating Characters

Purchases from social channel referrals grew 104% in Q2 of this year, proving that social media has a quantifiable impact on commerce. Social media is no longer a role on the marketing...

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Fast food burger box "fresh content now with empathy"
Posted by | August 5, 2020
Content Quick-Serve and the COVID-19 Wake-Up Call

COVID-19 caused thousands of companies to pause their social media engagement and give serious thought to how to behave in the midst of a global crisis. And it got a...

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y=roi equation on chalkboard
Posted by | July 5, 2020
When X ≠ ROI, Solve for Y

You’ve probably heard some version of the saying “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” Even when we know things aren’t working, change can...

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doodles on cardboard
Posted by | June 5, 2020
5 Creative Uses for Online Reviews

Review sites see a 200% higher conversion rate on average than paid ads. They also play an important role in the buyer’s journey. In fact, online reviews impact purchase decisions...

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On Your Marketing
Posted by | May 5, 2020
5 Free Marketing Tactics to Give Your Brand a Head-Start

Experts are mixed on what type of recession the pandemic will cause and how long it will last. The true impact remains to be seen, but If history can teach...

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recalculating... train tracks
Posted by | April 5, 2020
5 Tips for Stronger Paid Social Results

As a business leader, you’ve got a lot on your plate right now. You’re likely dealing with the added stress of keeping your customers and employees safe, appropriately communicating with...

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man on laptop with social logos
Posted by | March 24, 2020
5 Tips for Managing Social Media During a Crisis

Social media connects people, especially during times of crisis. It’s a critical tool for communities to find and share information and communicate with one another. When we are forced to...

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vintage poster 'hey brands...better CYA!'
Posted by | March 5, 2020
5 Rules for Running a Social Media Sweepstakes

This was our most-read blog post of 2019. It’s also a topic that continues to evolve, so we’ve updated it for 2020. Sweepstakes are ideal for building brand awareness, growing...

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brand love
Posted by | February 5, 2020
5 Ways to Make Your Brand Irresistible

We could talk about the benefits of a positive reputation all day. We could spout statistics on brand trust and loyalty. But let’s be honest: as a business owner, your...

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